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SeaWorld Abu Dhabi

Endless Ocean

SeaWorld Abu Dhabi was a 10+ year project, to which I worked on mainly for nearly 4 years. Its mission is to teach guests about conservation and how we are all part of the One Ocean. Portals allow guests to be transported to different oceans where they can meet animal ambassadors, explore interactive play areas and experiences, and learn more about our One Ocean.


Endless Ocean is home to the world's largest aquarium. Guests step into a Seabase created by the SEA Guardians (Science, Exploration, Adventure). The most amazing thing about this area is that you are not walking around a square tank, as is with my aquariums...You are physically inside the 5-story aquarium exploring various bases connected by portals. 


My role on this area was Graphic designer and Theming. My partner and I created 350+ graphics and signage elements for this area, as well as many custom illustrations and murals.


There were many challenges working in this area. One of which was my partner and I created nearly 300 atmospheric graphics for the SeaBase to help develop our story and give it authenticity. Developing the story for these was fun, but the real challenge came in when over half of those graphics needed to be installed underwater. We underwent lots of testing for colors, sizing, and installation methods to give our guests and animals the best experience. On both the inside and outside of the base, the graphics were fabricated into the custom walls, so the coordination between all vendors and with the Arabic language barrier was a challenge. 


Project Details:

  • Client: Miral, SeaWorld Abu Dhabi

  • Other Credits: Project Architect: Denise Schaberg, Lead Story Experience: Carol Breeze, Graphic Designers: Chiara Andriole & Jess Soloman, Theming: Teague Peak, Species IDs: Chiara Andriole, Zoe Perlow

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