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SeaWorld Abu Dhabi

Micro Ocean

SeaWorld Abu Dhabi was a 10+ year project, to which I worked on mainly for nearly 4 years. Its mission is to teach guests about conservation and how we are all part of the One Ocean. Portals allow guests to be transported to different oceans where they can meet animal ambassadors, explore interactive play areas and experiences, and learn more about our One Ocean.


Micro Ocean is the one portal in the park that shrinks you down to the size of a fish with the shrinkerator! Here you will find a brightly colored coral playscape of rides for kids and roaming characters. 


My role on this area was Graphic designer and Theming. I worked on this area later in the project and mainly worked on final artwork, installation, and modifications to the design after the construction document phase. 


My favorite part of working on this area was getting to create colorful seacreature characters. All of the sea creatures are stylized to feature unique Arabic patterns and bright, fun colors. 


Project Details:

  • Client: Miral, SeaWorld Abu Dhabi

  • Other Credits: Project Architect: Denise Schaberg, Lead Story Experience: Carol Breeze, Graphic Designers: Chiara Andriole & Jess Soloman, Theming: Teague Peak

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